Featured Artist: Reinaldo Gil Zambrano.
March 7—April 25
First Friday Reception April 4, 5:00—7:00
Spokane artist Reinaldo Gil Zambrano, whose interdisciplinary practice spans film, installation, murals, and community engagement projects, brings to the MAC Gallery a powerful suite of prints that reflect his experiences as a father and provider as he navigates the complexities of identity and home. GALIMATIAS offers Zambrano’s darkly humorous contemplations on the intersection of personal and collective stories, with imagery that addresses issues of belonging and the global dynamics that shape human experience.
Reinaldo Gil Zambrano: GALIMATIAS
Artist’s Statement:
GALIMATIAS is a collection of prints that reflects my experiences as a father and provider. It is inspired by daily family walks in Spokane, where I observe my surroundings and turn the random imagery in my head into visual narratives infused with dark humor and irony. The artwork reflects the realities of my life and the process of learning to “let go” and accept the uncontrollable aspect of living. This concept of letting go is also present in the technical process of reduction relief printing, which I use to enrich the illustrations I create. I have challenged myself to develop large-scale “Suicide Blocks” and small lithographs, using found MDF, cultural archetypes, repetition in both the printing process and the composition patterns, and the absence or presence of color. GALIMATIAS is an experimental exploration of playful image-making and invites viewers to find beauty in the challenges we can’t control.