Featured Artists: Quilt of Hope by Peggy Frazier, Peggy McCune, Rebecca DeGaris.
About the Quilt of Hope Project: Each year, we hold a drawing for a chance to receive our one-of-a-kind Quilt of Hope, made from West African inspired fabrics and lovingly sewn by Hope Project partners who donate their time and talents. The funds raised help sustain our three, on-site vocational programs in Liberia.
Quilt dimensions are 60″ x 60″. Made with West African inspired fabrics, the front side is designed in the style of the Celtic Knots pattern. This Quilt of Hope was created with love by Peggy Frazier, Peggy McCune, and Rebecca DeGaris. We thank them for sharing their time, hearts, and talents to create the beautiful one-of-a-kind quilt.
The Quilt will be on display at Zebra Brasserie from February 1-12. You can see the quilt all day on February 7 at Zebra until 6:45pm. Then it will be moved to the Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center from 7pm to 9pm during the Ubuntu event with professor Itohan Idumwonyi, PhD.